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Friday, July 30, 2010

Purses! Purses! Purses!

Rosa Campbell is owner of RC Raggs & Threads, a thriving purse business featured at Imagine That!  Rosa designs her own patterns for her unique purses, and chooses creative fabrics to bring you the best accessory for your wardrobe.  There's always something new and fun from Rosa!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer colors

Imagine That!  Local Artists Co-op Shades of green, blue and turquoise are always popular in the summertime. The colors remind of us of the beautiful endless lakes and blue skies that you find everywhere in Michigan. This stunning necklace and earring set made by Jewelry Artist Wendy High, captures all the essence of our region!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Stained glass artist, Kim Cowger has figured out what to do with her leftover spoons..........make them into dragonflies of course!   These whimsical creatures flew into the shop just the other day to remind us that Summer is still in full bloom.  New and exciting things are arriving daily at Imagine That! Local Artists' Co-op.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ann Ward is a talented fiber artist that has incorporated a turtle in her art quilt. 

Turtles have moved in downtown!

Everywhere you go in downtown Midland you will see Turtles! Imagine That! Local Artists' Co-op has more turtles coming in everyday.......

Saturday, July 17, 2010

flowers are blooming at Imagine That!

New flowers that have been hand dyed and felted are bloomin in the shop right now! Artist Betty Bock has created gorgeous, rich colored flowers that are great to pin on your hat, lapel, purse or scarf. No two are alike, but all are beautiful!